Integrated Dermatology of NJ

Moh's Surgery

Moh's Surgery services offered in East Brunswick, NJ

Moh's Surgery

Skin cancer, which affects 20% of the people in the United States by age 70, can become dangerous if left untreated. At Integrated Dermatology of NJ in East Brunswick, New Jersey, the experienced dermatology team offers Mohs surgery to eliminate cancerous tissues with minimal scarring. Schedule an evaluation by calling the office or using the online booking feature today. 


What is Mohs surgery?

Mohs surgery is a procedure to remove skin cancer lesions. During treatment, your dermatologist eliminates thin tissues, one layer at a time, and examines them under a microscope to ensure only cancer-free tissues remain after the procedure.

Mohs surgery often treats:

  • Squamous cell carcinoma
  • Basal cell carcinoma

It may also be an option for melanoma and other skin cancers. 

Mohs surgery is a highly effective way to prevent skin cancer from spreading to other areas. It’s considered a gold standard procedure for high-risk skin cancers, including cancerous tissues on your neck or head, and it minimizes tissue removal and scarring on visible areas.

Am I a candidate for Mohs surgery?

The Integrated Dermatology of NJ experts determine if Mohs surgery is right for you after discussing your medical history and symptoms, examining your skin, and obtaining a skin biopsy to screen for skin cancer. Signs of skin cancer include:

  • Flat, flesh-colored lesions
  • Brown, scar-like lesions
  • Pearly or waxy bumps
  • Lesions with crusted or scaly surfaces
  • Red, firm nodules
  • Brown moles with dark speckles
  • Moles than changes in color or size
  • Lesions that bleed
  • Dark moles
  • Lesions that itch or burn 
  • Small lesions with irregular borders 

Your specialist might recommend Mohs surgery if you have skin cancer that’s aggressive, large, located in sensitive areas, or recurring. 

What happens during Mohs surgery?

Mohs surgery is an outpatient procedure, but it might last several hours. 

Your provider uses local anesthesia to numb the treatment area. They remove thin tissues, layer by layer, and examine each under a microscope. If any tumor cells remain, they remove additional layers until all of the cancer is gone. 

What can I expect after Mohs surgery?

After Mohs surgery, your specialist dresses the wound and provides post-care instructions. You might need to apply topical ointments or take medications to reduce the risk of infection. Keep the treated area clean and protect it from the sun and tanning beds. If necessary, you might see another surgeon for reconstructive surgery. Over time, any scarring may fade.

Call the Integrated Dermatology of NJ office or use the online booking feature today to determine if Mohs surgery is right for you.